
What happens when you lose your teeth? Your looks radically change! You are no longer able to eat your favorite foods or even smile with confidence. And even though dentures and removable bridges may help, most people today are seeking a more stable, natural-looking way to replace missing teeth. Dental implants, here in Glen Cove, have become increasingly popular since they provide a strong, secure anchor for artificial replacement teeth. With dental implants, your new teeth will look, feel and function like natural teeth, permitting you to eat and smile with confidence.

What are dental implants?

They are small titanium screws that are placed in the jawbone at the point where the teeth are missing. They provide secure anchors for the placement of an artificial tooth or set of artificial teeth. Dental implants :-

  1. Look, feel, and function like natural teeth.
  2. Allow you to eat virtually any type of food.
  3. Preserve facial structure.
  4. Let you smile with confidence.
  5. Prevent bone deterioration that might occur as a result of missing teeth.

How do they work?

We construct our implants from the strongest titanium and place them surgically in the jawbone where the teeth are missing. Gradually the implants will bond with the bone over the next several months. These would then create a strong and stable foundation for your new teeth. Small posts are then attached to the implants, and artificial teeth are placed over the posts. If you. The new teeth are completely natural-looking and will allow you to eat virtually any type of food.

Dental implants will restore your smile and the confidence you formerly had but then lost over the years. With the professional care from our doctors, you can also restore function to your mouth. Whether you have suffered an injury, or if periodontal disease has compromised your smile and the health of your teeth and gums, we certainly have the solutions for you.

Our dental implants combined with advanced bone grafting procedures will maintain density and stability.  Choosing the best dental implant facility in Glen Cove, New York, guarantees  not only a beautiful smile but a healthy one. Our experience, professionalism, and advanced tools and equipment all come together to give you dental implants that will last for decades if not your lifetime.

Why wait any longer? Contact us today, for your consultation and enjoy the professional service that only our dentistry team can provide.

Dental Implants, Glen Cove, Long Island, North Shore

This varies depending on the case. However, in general, there are three appointments to replace a single tooth. The first appointment enables us to take the diagnostic records necessary to plan the implant placement. This visit generally includes the 3D image of your mouth or the area where the implant will be placed to enable us to plan the best area for implant placement. During the second appointment, the implant will be placed into the jaw bone. And in the last appointment, a restoration will be placed on top of the implant, creating the “crown” of the tooth.

The timing of the implant placement appointment can vary depending on the number of implants placed. However, Dr. Gaeta and his team take great care to ensure you are comfortable during the entire procedure. After the procedure, patients typically report no or sight discomfort, which can be eliminated by taking ibuprofen, Tylenol, or both immediately after the procedure. While physical activity (sports and activities that raise your heart rate) should be curtailed after the procedure, you may go about your normal daily activities, including work.

There are other treatment options for replacing missing teeth. However, implants offer several advantages.

For a Single Missing Tooth:
When replacing a single missing tooth, a “bridge” is often a possible treatment option.  However, with a dental bridge, a healthy tooth structure on the adjoining teeth must be compromised to hold the bridge in place.  Since dental implants do not affect the health of adjacent teeth, frequently, implants are better options.

For Multiple Missing Teeth:
In some cases, a removable or partial denture may be an option to replace multiple missing teeth.  However, dentures are inserted in the mouth and often don’t have the same look as natural teeth.  Also, over time the bone in the jaw may change, causing dentures that once fit snugly to become loose and require adjustment.  Some patients also report discomfort or soreness when wearing removable dentures, and it also takes some time for patients to adapt to chewing and wearing removable oral appliances.

Implants can generally be completed on any healthy individual. However, there are some restrictions.  For smokers or diabetic patients, often extra care must be taken when placing implants and during the healing phase.  Several other health issues may contra-indicate implant placement or decrease their chance for success.


or give us a call at 516-671-0817.

Glen Cove NY Dentist, One School Street

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